Private Sessions on line and/or in person.
If you are ready to take a serious look at identifying and changing your Core Beliefs, please fill out the contact form:
Certified Core Belief Engineering Transformational Counselor
in Private Practice Since 1995
A Quick Overview
- The work involves an initial interview where we decide what you want to accomplish.
- We form a contract and begin a process to solve the problem.
- We take as long as needed to achieve the contract.
- It averages between three and six hours, but has been known to take longer.
- This is transformational work. The time varies with each person and each issue.
- The change cannot be forced. Your own subconscious determines how long is needed for the change to be complete.
- When we finish you will feel different -- sometimes elated and/or perhaps, a bit tired--and a good sleep or a good walk will help to integrate the work you have done.
- One or more follow-up sessions will be necessary to reinforce the changes you have been experiencing. Frequency of sessions may be between two and eight weeks apart, since the changes need to be integrated into your everyday life.
- After your process we will arrange an evaluation session to review what has been happening, what changes you have noticed, how have you felt when faced with previously triggering situations, etc?
- You should be noticing changes right away or during the first few days.
How Does the Process Work?
- After we establish the contract we begin a guided internal communication between your conscious mind and the part of your subconscious mind that can aid you in solving the problem.
- We find out the underlying core belief structures that are holding the patterns in place and go to the energy level in yourself where you can choose to change and restructure the beliefs at the emotional and mental levels.
- Since we take the time necessary for the changes to happen naturally, you are in charge of how the changes are re-engineered and which new beliefs are accepted.
Benefits of Private CBE Consultations:
- Guided dialogue with part of the subconscious mind
- Become partners with your subconscious instead of adversary
- Build strength, confidence, self-acceptance, and well being?
- Identify and change the underlying beliefs
- Get to know your inner self
- Solve inner conflict
- Renew your passion for life
- Direct change
- Changes last and accumulate